Red Road
Meet Ilena
Mission Statement
I was born into having a knowing that often surprised my parents. They knew I was gifted in traveling in two worlds.
I often remembered seeing objects in a place a year later and I was only three years old at the time. I also picked up on other people’s energies and knew they were in distress before they arrived at our house. Something they still talk about today. This prompted my mom to suggest I study with Hank Wesselman and Jill Kuykendall of Shared Wisdom. I fell in love with the teachings and the journey and was invited to participate in The Continuum Work for people wanting to do healing work. I really enjoyed the training and am excited to bring these teachings to you!
My Training
June 2011
Vision-seeker I - Esalen Institute Big Sur, CA
April 2012
Vision-seeker III- Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA
Sept 2012
Vision-seeker II- Westerbeke Ranch, Sonoma CA
Through my Spiritual practice of The Red Road I strive to create a clearing for you to discover your true essence and potential. I am called to be of service through Ritual and Spiritual guidance. Through this process I offer you power, protection and support. I am a one woman advocate for finding your gift and providing the best tools for sharing it.
May 2013
Continuum Program Part 1- Westerbeke Ranch, Sonoma CA
Oct 2013
Continuum Program Part 2- Westerbeke Ranch, Sonoma CA
Services | Programs
I offer a wide array of programs touching on many aspects of Life, Spirit and connection with Self. To embark on your Red Road, please visit my Services & Programs page.