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Services | Calendar 

Monthly Drum Circles

Drum Circles have long been a way to deepen ones self in Spirit and Community. We drum in times of celebration and in times of mourning and as we drum we find our way. Come join and connect with us at my monthly Full Moon and New Moon Drum Circles. All are welcome in Body, Mind and Spirit. Learn More... 

Personal Shamanic Journeys

Do you long for a deeper sense of self and purpose? Do you desire a clearer vision of who you are or are meant to be? Come visit me at my home and sanctuary in Sonoma County for a personalized healing Shamanic Journey. We will travel together on The Red Road discovering the many hidden treasures of your soul's sacred path. 

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Soul Retrieval

Has loss or trauma presented a challenging time in your life? You are not alone and, yes, you can heal yourself from these painful events. Soul retrieval has been practiced by Shaman for thousands of years and this medicine can be a powerful way to reclaim your life. Allow your heart to heal and your soul to sing! The Red Road is waiting to set you free.

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House Clearing

If the walls could speak what would they say, energetically? The history of a space can greatly impact a living person's sense of safety and well-being. Sometimes a soul that has passed gets stuck or lost and needs a little help to compete and move on. House clearing allows for this to happen in a honoring and loving way. 

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Playing a Drum

Intake | Registration Forms

Are you ready to hire me for one of my services or participate in one of my workshops, events or retreats? Please visit my Forms page to complete the sign up process. 

Current Calendar


WORKSHOPS: Women's Drum Dance Workshop



EVENTS: Dance and the Shamanic Journey

Move your body in a way that your Sprit and Soul can receive the gifts of the Red Road. Enjoy open floor dance with a shamanic twist led by Ilena Andrews and _________. 



RETREATS: Shamanic Beach - Day Retreat

The beach is a magical place to do a ritual retreat. Come create with me and gift yourself a day at the beach. 



GROUP JOURNEYS: Full Moon Shamanic Journey

May 26th 2021 6:00PM PDT


We will journey to release what does not serve us to the moon to bring in new energy into our lives. 




Sliding scale $5 to $20 


To pay by PayPal use


Venmo @RedRoadJourneys

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